Jason Conte

Jason Conte,
Head Retoucher - LA Office

Jason was born and raised in NJ, studied photography at SMFA/Tufts University in Boston, and spent the first 13 years of his career in NYC working at the top fashion retouching studios/agencies. He now resides in Los Angeles with his lovely wife, polydactyl black cat, and hyperactive puppy. When he’s not retouching, he spends time enjoying 70º winter months, improving his golf game, and discovering new taco trucks.

FIRST ENCOUNTER WITH PHOTOGRAPHY: As a child, Jason was fascinated with his grandfather's Minolta SLR and would sneak off during family visits to look out the window through the zoom lens. Later on in High School, Jason realized he was a terrible skateboarder and began photographing friends who were talented enough to land tricks.

GUILTY PLEASURES WHILE RETOUCHING: Any documentary involving true crime, cults, and murder mysteries. Excessive amounts of raspberry lime Spindrift.