Sabrina de Carvalho

Sabrina de Carvalho,
Production Assistant

Raised by native Brazilian parents on Cape Cod, MA, Sabrina has been lucky enough to live near the ocean her whole life. After moving to New York almost 6 years ago, she’s been drawn to working in the arts and being surrounded by it everyday. She has a passion for nature, paintings, books, films, and continues to find endless inspiration in them.   

FIRST ENCOUNTER WITH PHOTOGRAPHY: Ever since her first darkroom photography class in high school, Sabrina’s been in awe of the process of taking a photo, developing it herself, and having it come to life. She loves experimenting with taking her own photos in her free time on her old Pentax point and shoot, and collaborating with friends who also use art as a vital means of expression.

GUILTY PLEASURES WHILE PRODUCING: Listening to any mix of Afro-Brazilian, oldies, or 90’s jams, researching the endless list of “really good” t.v. show and movie recs from her fellow employees, or watching the “floof princess” Wendy “snorfle” on the office rug at 5pm daily.