Sala Moore

Sala Moore,

FIRST ENCOUNTER WITH PHOTOGRAPHY: Sala received her first camera when she was 5, a purple and yellow Le Clic that shot 35mm film, then proceeded to spend an entire roll documenting the significant moments of an episode of Blue's Clues. Though her father disapproved when he got it developed, she understands her logic behind that roll to this day and stands by her artistic choices. Around the age of 8, she saved up for almost a year to buy her first digital camera, a terrible 3 megapixel point-and-shoot that cost over a hundred dollars. The technology improved so much over the following year that she wanted a new one in less time than it took to save up for it. 

GUILTY PLEASURES WHILE RETOUCHING: OTV & Friends gaming streams, Reality TV - currently really into Selling Sunset and the new season of Married at First Sight