Samantha Thomas

Samantha Thomas, Senior Producer

Born in Jacksonville, Florida, Samantha learned the importance of sunscreen from an early age and then moved to Maryland where tick prevention was more prevalent. A lover of movies, she tries to see a movie in theaters at least once a week. Criterion sales, celebrity skincare routines, and Wikipedia wormholes are some of her favorite things.

FIRST ENCOUNTER WITH PHOTOGRAPHY: At the impressionable age of 14, Samantha found out that Stanley Kubrick started as a photographer and decided that she would be one as well. She enrolled in SVA intending to become an on-set stills photographer. Shortly after her junior year, she realized being involved in production was more her speed. She still takes photos from time to time.

GUILTY PLEASURES WHILE PRODUCING: Reading reviews on Goodreads, tracking her favorite production companies on Deadline or watching an episode of Hot Ones.